Monday 6 April 2009


There are many variations of this game, but it basically involves throwing something at the board to get points.  The simplest is just to put concentric circles with different number values in them.  Then show a flash card and the fastest team to say gets to throw a ball at the target to get points.  If you have a sticky ball or darts it is useful for scoring.  Another option is to put word endings (eg: -ig, -ug, -ag) in circles and when you say "bag" or "bug" etc, they have to chose the right circle.

Paper planes

Get a selection of boxes and stick flashcards and point values to the front of them.  The kids make and decorate a paper plane.  When you say the card, they have to try to get their plane into it.

Count Down

Put the kids in two teams.  For each team draw a 50 at the top of the board.  They roll the dice and whatever they get, they can take that number away.  The first team to get to zero wins.  Variations are:
  • just have them speak out loud for number practice
  • show a flash card and the first kid to say the card can throw the dice
  • ask them a question before they throw and a right answer can double the dice value, or a wrong answer can be miss a turn or normal value

Chose your corner

Take 4 or 5 cards and put them in the corners of the room. Play music and get the kids to dance for a bit. When the music stops they choose a corner. Have the same pictures on smaller cards, draw one at random and say it out loud.  The kids in that corner are eliminated. As the number of kids decreases remove a picture and so on until 1 lucky kid is the winner.

Daruma san

Say a command (eg: touch red), lean up against the wall covering your eyes, count out loud to three and then try to catch as many students as possible who haven't done the instruction. The last student not out wins.

Rain, Sun and Snow

Draw a big circle on the board and divide it into twelve segments like a pizza. Draw a rain cloud in eight segments. Draw two snowmen in two different segments and then finally draw two suns in the last two segments.   Make two teams and put a magnet for each team in different segments of the circle and give each team ten lives.

Ask Team 1 a question, if they get it correct then they can throw the dice. Move their magnet clockwise around the pizza. If they land on a rain cloud they can erase one life from the opposite team. If they land on a snowman they themselves lose a life and if they land on a sun they gain a life. Continue until one team loses all ten lives and loses. 


This is like reverse charades.  The player puts a card on their forehead without looking at what it is.  The other players act out (or give hints for older kids) about what the card is.  The player has to guess in English.  Use a timer to put some pressure on and if they guess within the time they get to keep the card and another player comes.